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  • the Lanchang-Mekong River Integrated Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Center

The 4th Lancang-Mekong Integrated Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Forum
Date Issued:2021/1/29 14:22:18Sources:本站views:504Share This:

At present, the novel corona virus epidemic continues to spread around the world, and all industries are affected to varying degrees. The global crime situation has become more complicated. It is urgent for countries in the region to jointly improve law enforcement capabilities and respond to endless security challenges. In this connection, the Lancang-Mekong Integrated Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Center (hereinafter referred to as LMLECC) will continues to call for paper from the Lancang-Mekong basin countries, and invites experts and scholars in law enforcement and social governance in the basin, professionals from frontline combat departments, and friends from all walks of life who are willing to contribute to the security and development of the Lancang-Mekong River Basin.

I. Content of Call for Paper

With the theme of "Improving Level of Transnational Law Enforcement Cooperation and Maintaining Economic and Social Development and Stability in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin", this forum will discuss about the plans for law-enforcement security cooperation in the river basin, conspired to develop cooperation strategies for capacity building, and jointly draw a blueprint for the safe development of "Safe Lancang-Mekong". The aim is to explore and analyze the new problems and new trends in criminal activities in the river basin, research and discuss targeted law enforcement cooperation, learn from each other, and complement each other's advantages, so as to jointly improve law enforcement capabilities and safety governance.

II. Author Instructions

(1) The solicited papers should be submitted with clear and definite themes, solid and strong argument, truthful and reliable data, original academic view and practical value, and the research results ought to be unpublished. Paper for the presentation must be between 6,000 and 12,000 words, whether the paper is selected or not will not affect the author’s other submission.

(2) The solicited papers should be submitted with originality, timeliness and innovation, the content ought to be positive and with no controversy for the authors’ ranking order. Any violation of academic norms or academic misconduct such as plagiarism is not allowed.

(3) The contributor of solicited paper to this forum must be the first author of the paper.

(4) Papers can be written in Chinese or English, please submit abstract (about 200 words in Chinese and English), keywords (3-5 keywords) and author’s biography (name, employer or institution study in, education background, occupation, title, postcode of the province or municipality). Each page under the footnote should be consecutively numbered, annotations or citations and references should be noted as a footnote the page, and use insert. For annotations or citations and references, please indicate the [nationality] author, the title of the book (the name of paper), (the name of translator if any), (the printing house), the publishing time, the volume number etc. The submission in Chinese should be typed 1.5 spaced in MS Word using FZ Xiaobiaosong Simplified Chinese No.3 font for the title and Fangsong GB2312 simplified Chinese No.4 font for text. Please specify at the end of the author’s detailed correspondence address, postcode, mobile phone number and e-mail address.

(5) There is no charge for the paper submission, and the author is not required to purchase the collection.

III. Guideline for Paper Submission

(1) The author is requested to send the electronic version of the paper (Word version) to the e-mail address of Law Enforcement Capability-Building department of the Center after the completion of the paper: zy.qiao@lm-lesc-center.org, subject of the e-mail should be marked in Chinese or English “Paper for Forum -- Name of Author”, please specify the file name of electronic version in Chinese or English “Name of Author – Title of the Paper”. The deadline for submission is 17 May 2021, late submission will not be accepted and please excuse any inconvenience this may cause.

(2) The Lancang-Mekong Law Enforcement Center intends to entrust relevant experts or professional institutions to examine and evaluate all the papers. The submitted papers will be selected for the First, Second, Third prizes and Outstand Paper Award.

(3) One representative of the winning authors for each First, Second and Third prize and one representative of the winning authors for Outstanding Paper Award will be invited to attend the Forum as formal participants, certificates will be issued to the winner by Center and the winning paper will be compiled into a collection of paper.

(4) For other uncovered matters, please consult the organizer of this event.  Contact person, Ms.YUAN Xin 0871-64882389, Mr.QIAO Ziyu 0871-64882403

Tel:0871-8866888 Fax:0871-8866888 E-mail:webmast@lm-lesc-center.org

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