
  • 湄公河综合执法安全合作中心

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发布时间:2023/9/26 9:40:10来源:本站作者:管理员 浏览次数:215 分享到:


On September 22, the 133rd China-Laos-Myanmar-Thailand law enforcement joint patrol on the Mekong River completed its task successfully. 5 officers from LMLECC participated in the entire cruise.



The operation was carried out through segmented patrols and full-line joint patrol, which lasted 4 days and 3 nights.



During the operation, the law enforcement agencies of China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand had an information exchange meeting in Chiang Saen, Thailand, and held the third-quarter friendship sport games among the four countries. 


Service points financed by the LMLECC can be seen at many places along the joint patrol. According to Lao colleagues, since the implementation of aiding project in 2018, it has greatly improved working conditions for frontline law enforcement and played an active role in maintaining the safety and stability of the river basin.

电话:0871-8866888 传真:0871-8866888 E-mail:webmast@lm-lesc-center.org 网站备案号:滇ICP备17005551号-1

版权所有:澜沧江湄公河综合执法安全合作中心 承办:澜沧江湄公河综合执法安全合作中心
